Global kingdom collaborative network is a faith based ministry for religious, charitable, literary, and educational purposes that is pursuing kingdom expansion across Africa and beyond. Our mission is to unite kingdom minded pastors and Christian leaders in the preparation for hosting biblical conferences, seminars and outreach programs in the nations that which we do operate. We accomplish this primary through training/equipping which happens within the context of pastoral and leadership conferences and outreach programs, which engages us believers in our God given ministry while expanding our network. Here at GKCN, we actively wait upon the Lord Jesus Christ in expectation of hearing His voice so that His desires can be accomplished in our lives. Good works, sound doctrines, and good judgments are very much essential, but they do not take priority over the Word of the Lord Jesus Christ. His Word is discerned by the praying and the community of the faithful that are gathered around the open Bible and listening to the voice of God through His word. We are committed to carrying out whatever He asks us as we seek confirmation from Him and, secondly, affirmation from the fellowship of all believers in Christ.
GKCN values kingdom collaboration. By collaboration we means sharing people, resources, and ideas for equipping others to more fully live God’s rule in the Church and throughout the world. We are thankful for the variety of ministries, organizations and schools that make Christ and God’s mission the central theme to their existence. Global Kingdom Collaborative Network is a collaboration of global Churches, Pastors, Church Planters, and leaders based on Christ-like relationship. In our increasingly interconnected world, God is uniting the church like never before in the history of mankind to accelerate the advancement of the gospel to all people. God has designed the Body of Christ to work together, and when we do, he pours out his blessing to bring life forevermore. Global kingdom collaborative network has proven excellently in utilizing Kingdom resources, and to bring about diverse groups together to solve complex problems that cannot be addressed by individual Churches, organizations or ministries. We envision a future where every ministry is working in unity with others to accomplish God’s mission.
Global kingdom collaborative network was founded in 2022 in western area rural district of Sierra Leone. Our outreach effort yielded unexpected opportunities to equip, train and encourage pastors, missionaries and Christian workers. Up until this time, GKCN has operated exclusively in Sierra Leone, Liberia and other places within Africa, cultivating a network of hundreds of pastors, establishing successful ministerial activities, biblical conference and hosting dozens of outreach mission programs. GKCN is fundamentally committed to the building up, equipping, training, shaping and encouraging the Body of Christ in becoming a Christ centered ministries to the glory of God. GKCN believes as Christians, we are all members of one body, regardless of the organizational structures or particular emphasis of the individual group with whom we identify our area of commitment, we are committed to edifying the entire body of Christ through outreach programs, biblical conferences, sharing resources and by way of shared activities for the Christian mission.


GKCN promote its vision and mission in variety of ways that is in line with work of the ministry to the glory of God.
The mission of God is local, regional and global. Beginning with our immediate localities, we work toward multiplication of communities

1. Church planting: The mission of God is local, regional and global. Beginning with our immediate localities, we work toward multiplication of communities and Churches to grow and develop God’s kingdom.
Global Kingdom Collaborative Network is committed to making disciples of all nations, mobilizing every day to day people, training and the equipment of faithful disciples maker and sending of teams of leaders to begin new Churches of mission communities in villages, towns and cities in Africa and beyond.

2. Mission education: is a project to provide educational opportunities to children of pastors or missionaries serving in the mission field. This is very much essential for children of pastors or missionaries serving in cities, remote, rural or village areas. GKCN mission education project have helped hundreds of children of pastors or missionaries that are currently serving in their mission field. GKCN mission education project has recently been focused in the establishment of global kingdom collaborative network academy at Kotopema village in Sierra Leone.

3. Sponsorship for conference and seminars for pastors, church workers, leaders or missionaries.
Global Kingdom Collaborative Network (GKCN), annually sponsors conference and seminars to train pastors, church workers, leaders and missionaries to abandon average in their lives and ministries by equipping them with church resources, practical pastoral coaching, engaging conferences that we support every year and by introducing them to the work of the ministry.


Welcome to Global Kingdom Collaborative Network. My passion is to see the lost saved, discipled, training and the equipment of the saint for the work of ministry through the local church and other outreach programs. Kingdom Collaboration is the concept of two or more people working together to create or produce something greater than the individual. It is a model of synergy in which all parties involved bring their best to the endeavour and is most evident in the fulfilment of mission and purpose. This is what God invites each follower of Christ to a collective work that produces a kingdom impact in which God is in collaboration with humanity.

Jesus is the definitive expression of God with us. In fact, the very first reference of his birth in Matthew 1:23 proclaims this through the angel’s words to Joseph, “Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and they shall call his name Immanuel” (which means, “God with us,” ESV). This partnership with the Divine reminds us that we are created to show God to others, invited to share the mission of heaven on earth, and empowered others to shine as we discover how we truly fit in God’s grand design. Our goal is for the upliftment and creating an environment of encouragement, the love of God for mankind, and the honour that is due to humanity.

We partner with kingdom minded believers to undertake the assessment and development of these teams from local Churches to effectively serve our Lord Jesus Christ. We come alongside Pastors, missionaries, Church planters and to assist them in the pursuit of the call of God in their lives. I invite you all to come in partnership with us for the fulfilment of God’s purpose in the global community through the mission of the gospel. God bless: